Sunday, June 29, 2014

down in "phoenix"

June 19-22, 2013
This last weekend, we had the opportunity to go visit Taylor's family in Phoenix, as well as attend baby Flynn's blessing. What a great weekend it was! Driving down though... Not so much. Taylor's car, Lucille, has been out of A/C for about a year now. It went out on our drive down last year when I was going to MEET the family. The drive started out great, we made a stop to Sand Hollow to fulfill a bucketlist wish... Jumping off cliffs!

 My position changes every picture... Tay just holds that same professional jump ;)
 The drive from Sand Hollow to Phoenix was the worst thing ever... NO A/C!!! I told Taylor at a gas station that I gave up and to just leave me behind... A little dramatic but he encouraged me to keep going. 10 hours later, we made it!
 We went and supported our favorite team saturday night, the Arizona Diamondbacks as they faced the Giants. Free duffel bags for the first 20,000 guests... Woot woot!
 Sunday selfie. On the way to baby Flynn's blessing.
 I am a proud aunt. Charlotte is the photobomber. I will give her credit. Little Flynn is as cute and chubby as ever!
 Little Flynn smiling as we say goodbye. THOSE CHEEKS!
We had such a great trip visiting family. We don't get to see Tay's family very often as it is hard to travel down there. But every time we go, it is always a blast playing boggle, visiting, and whatever else we decide to do ;)
Can't drive home to Utah without stopping at our favorite mexican place in Flagstaff, Some Burros! If you haven't tried it, try it. Its great and you get goofy donkey hats... Why not?

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