our story

I am Cali, he is Taylor and we are the Hunsaker's. Just two kids in love!  He is from Phoenix, I am from Utah. Taylor served the same LDS mission with my cousin in Brazil. He wrote me a dorky postcard and we ended up writing for about a year from there. He came to visit for a week after getting home and we hit it off. First date to the Lehi Rodeo. We got along so well and built a friendship fast! Once he was back home, we still communicated all the time. I always had a crush on him and he always had a crush on me but we kept that to ourselves at the time. I thought we were just friends, and had decided to serve an LDS mission myself. He called me a day or so before I got my call and told me he liked me and wanted to date me. I blew him off and figured he would be married before I got home. Long story short, he moved up to Utah 2 weeks before I left to North Carolina, and we instantly hit it off. I have never had two things feel so right! I knew I needed to serve my mission though so I left. I served my best and hardest, but my body just couldn't handle the stress a mission puts forth. I came home 3 long months later, a week before the Lehi Rodeo again, which just so happened to be perfect timing. We were married 5 months after that... CRAZY!!! We now currently live in Lehi, Utah. Tay is going to school for business and I am headed in the dental direction. We try to live in every moment and couldn't be more thankful for our journey this far!

 Goofy, yet best friends.


 Pina Coladas in our footies in Mexico on honeymoon... WHY NOT?!


1 comment:

  1. Love you both so very much! We love your quirky selves! It is all good! We were young once, maybe when you (Taylor) were pulling on Don' s ties.
