Thursday, August 7, 2014

here's to education

Education is great. It's an enlightening experience if taken correctly OR it can be a not so lovely time, if you dread it or find absolutely no interest at all. I am one that doesn't necessarily find education that great unless I have some interest in it. Remember all those pointless classes in high school that we were forced to take to graduate and if you were lucky, you passed because you rarely ever went thinking the boredom of that particular class might kill you?! I do. I had a hard time doing my generals in college as well because I couldn't get myself to focus or love it. My attention span is very small. I wanted to go to school to be a nurse but I found that wasn't something I really loved either. I learned that I love patient care but not the downtime, hours, etc of nursing. I just wanted a tool in my hand and to have my hands busy the whole time. I struggled a bit in march, thinking I was doomed because I hated to go to school and that I wasn't going for the right thing. After a lot of praying and thought, I stumbled upon the idea of dental. Wow! Great hours. Hands are busy. Patient care. How did I not think of it before?! I felt this motivating urge to engulf in a lot of classes and to push through to get into dental hygiene school. But being married, we hit a few stumbling blocks. At this moment, Tay and I could really only afford one to go to school if we wanted to start really saving for a house in the future and we don't want any student debt. Sadly, I was stumped again. It's more important for him to go to school which is great! I finally learned that you can make a career out of dental assisting! Oh wow! I starting looking into schools and found what I needed. Practical Dental Assisting of Utah school that offered a summer course that offered what I needed in the short amount of time so Tay could start school. I signed up! And let me tell you, it has been an amazing, enlightening experience. Seriously, the instructors are great, they help you so much and push you to do your best. I haven't done this well in school ever! I just love it. There are great lectures but a lot of hands on too which makes the experience that much better!

I work at the hospital right now, but there are many downsides to being there right now. I asked a friend to help me get an internship (the school likes us to start interning to get more hands on), and she said they were actually having a group interview the following week and I was invited. I didn't think I would get the job because I am not even half way into school but I figured what the heck. I went to the interview. It was great! I did okay I thought. They told us if they were interested, they would be calling soon to set up a second, individual interview. As I left the office, not even getting down the street, I get a phone call. They told me that they loved me and wanted to hire me then without a second interview... WHAT?! I couldn't believe it! So there you have it folks, another reason why this school is that much better and such a blessing to me. All my prayers have been answered in this short amount of time and I couldn't be more thankful! I am now a dental assistant in training and an official dental assistant at Stonehaven Dental in Lehi!